It is time for the fair again! I love the fair. I have so many fond memories of the fair. The food and my friends were all great things, but my fondest memory is showing pigs. I showed pigs at the fair for 10 years, and my nieces and nephews have all showed pigs at different times.
I can remember every September choosing which boar (daddy) best would match up with each sow (momma). It then seemed like forever waiting those 115 days until those pigs would be born in January. I spent many a long night watching and helping those sows have their babies. I really enjoyed getting up early before school and doing chores. It was always so much more enjoyable doing chores with the dream of Fair in the back of your mind. I would look at each pig carefully and try to figure out which one will do the best at the fair that summer. It was always a fun day standing in a row with my siblings and each one of us getting a turn picking which pig we wanted to take. I spent so much time during the summer caring for my 4-H pigs. We would feed, water, walk, weigh, clean, wash, bed and play with them. When it came time for the fair, it was always a special morning getting up early and loading the pigs to take with us. It was neat seeing what they weighed and what class they would be in. It was neat and sometimes humbling to see everyone else's pigs too. Show day would arrive and we would walk our pigs around the show ring and the judge would pen the best pigs in the class. At the end of the day, the best of each class would come together and the grand champion would be picked. What a great time!
Many a year has passed and gone since my pig memories at the fair. I have found that my role has since changed. I have had to become a memory maker and not a memory taker. It was so much easier being a memory taker. I could let other people do all the work and I'd just enjoy, enjoy and enjoy. Now, it is hard work giving up of myself so that others may enjoy and build their own memories. It has been such a blessing playing a role in seeing other kids, including nieces and nephews enjoy the experience. It is extremely important that I do not let my selfishness turn me into a memory breaker. I have had to become less, so that they could become more.
I am so thankful for the many people who have played a huge role as memory makers in my life. I have so many great memories because of their sacrifice. God, Jesus, grandpas, grandmas, Dad, Mom, brothers, sister, church family, teachers, 4-H workers, coaches, etc. The list could go on and on. I pray for God's blessings on you and the ones you love during this fair season. May each of us be a memory maker.