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For Encouragement


January 9, 2015   A couple weeks ago, we talked in Sunday School about kindness.  It is one of the fruit of God's Spirit living in us.  It follows Love, Joy, Peace, Patience ...then Kindness.  I think it falls in this order on purpose.  Our lives must start with the Love of Jesus in our hearts.  It is this Love that puts Joy into our hearts.  Joy is the assurance of knowing that we have been given the eternal gift of being a child of God forever.  This brings Peace.  Peace is understanding that no matter what this brief life may...

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April 15, 2015 Greetings, I enjoy restoration.  I am not a car or tractor or furniture restorer.  Maybe the better term would be I am a re-establisher or re-purposer.  I know that those are probably not a real words, but I think they fit my weirdness.  I really enjoy seeing something as it is, but being able to vision it as something so much better.  It is so fun being able to envision potential in something that really had no use.   What is really fun is thinking about what something could be and how it would work or be used...

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Buy a Field

December 3, 2014 " Buy A Field "   Greetings, A long time ago the Prince of Peace was sent to Earth.  Sometimes when I stop and look around I wonder how many of us forgot.  It is hard to not be alarmed at the unrest and the selfishness that surrounds us.  We look far and wide for things to hold on to and give us joy, hope and peace. Over the years, I have noticed that many people cling to Jeremiah 29:11 as their verse.  It is on wall hangings, bookmarks and is highly memorized and quoted when we need...

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May 2014 Greetings From Chris    " Doubtful "  Greetings, I had a lot of relearning to do this week.  Have you ever had one of those moments, days, weeks, months, years or seasons when you found yourself saying 'what else can go wrong?' Probably a silly question to ask because I am pretty sure we all have. It is not hard to get overwhelmed when we look at world situations, our leaders, the way people treat each other, or even our day to day struggles. What I had to relearn is how to step backwards and raise my chin. I...

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June 2014 Greetings From Chris    " Dependence "  Happy Independence day! It is a great time of year when we celebrate our country's freedom. The grilling and the fireworks are so much fun. It is awesome getting together with so many friends and family too!   I find it quite interesting, though, that as I meet more and more people every day and hear what is happening in their life and I observe what is happening in our nation and even reflect on the things in my life just how much slavery there really is. We are enslaved by illnesses,...

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